Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sunday Morning

Autumn 2007

How on earth did I manage to sleep for almost 12 hours?

- Maybe I’m growing (I gained two cm length after I was 20)
- But it shouldn’t be any new teeth in my mouth growing out now…?

There was a storm outside last night. I was half awake several times. Judging from the howling from the front door it sounded like a mad snowstorm in the mountains. I have always liked the sound that the wind makes around the corners of the house when strong weather sets in. Especially when I’m up in the mountains. I guess it gives me some feeling that I am really far off and more exposed to what nature can throw at me.

But dude! –I live in a brand new apartment block in central Leeds! There is no outback or wildlife around.
Wildlife… well, there’s a nightclub around the corner, but except from that, nothing.

I guess it’s not entirely tight between the door and the doorframe. I was planning to get up last night to fill it up with paper or something. But each time I just fell asleep. Then it started all over again! –and I thought: “Why is there still sound! Didn’t I just get up and fill in that crack!?” But, no! That was done in my dreams.
When I inspected the door this morning I found out that it would have been of no use anyway. What I need is probably some rubber tape to tighten it up.
Or a new door!

When I came out in the living room, everything outside the window was wet. Tales of the weather.


There’s this old Church right behind my house. Every Sunday morning there is someone up in the tower that plays arpeggios on the bells like a mad man! But it is actually quite nice lying in bed, listening to the same sound that would have been heard every Sunday morning for the last 2-300 years from that same place. It somehow creates a relevant link between me and the lives of people long gone. As an industrial centre for ages I can hear the days of the industrial revolution echoing in the background. (Revolution!? What a silly and misplaced word when you compare it to the other revolutions in France and Russia.) The sound would have been the same back then. In effect that is the days of economical growth and Church in society hand in hand. Days that passed with the growing influence of socialism. But days not dead, returning many a place. Returning here in Leeds. A Church not about the cause of theology, but about the cause of Christ.

I’m checking out a new Church in Bradford today (Abundant Life Church) together with a Chinese/Malaysian/English friend. How cool is that? I was recommended this Church by an Indonesian Pastor and friend while I was still living in Singapore.


My pancakes are done. Time for breakfast.

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